Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Hello From Toronto

Our first week in Toronto has been great! We've had a lot of fun exploring our new home and getting a feel for the different areas of the city. Most of our time has been spent condo-hunting and sight-seeing. We joined a double-decker tour bus to get our bearings, and checked out the Distillery area, St Lawrence Markets and Toronto Islands to name a few.

Things I have learnt about Canada:

  • Summer actually happens. There was a "heat wave" of 32 degrees Celsius last week, which was the major news story of the day. I thought this was quite amusing, but then I managed to get sunburnt, so the joke was on me after all.
  • Toronto is one of the world's most culturally diverse cities, with around 50% of the population born outside of Canada. These different cultural influences can be seen in the buildings, street names, and most importantly/deliciously, the food.
  • At the moment, it doesn't get dark until 9pm! I'm enjoying the sunshine while it lasts. 
  • Canadians really do say 'eh'. Not all the time of course, but it's there if you listen for it.

1 comment:

  1. My comment didn't come up :(
    I am all for s'mores when we come over! Looks & sounds like you guys are having a blast.
