Thursday, September 13, 2012


The city is currently under the grips of an overwhelming force - one that brings entire streets to a standstill, completely consumes the local media and causes citizens do a double-take at every black luxury vehicle and well-dressed pedestrian that passes by.

Welcome to the Toronto International Film Festival!

TIFF is an 11-day long event that showcases the newest additions to the silver screen. We were lucky enough to catch three red-carpet, world premiere screenings last week, which has definitely been one of the highlights of our time here so far. I've decided to recreate the drama and excitement of our experiences by sharing them with you in true cinematic style:

Act 1: 'Looper''
Act 1, scene 1
We arrive at the Elgin theatre on Thursday night to find a red carpet laid out on the side walk. 'For us?' I think, 'that's so sweet!'. Across the street, a crowd of eager fans stand patiently waiting behind a velvet rope to spot some celebs. We join the end of the ticket holder queue, when suddenly....

Act 1, scene 2

Shane calls his friend, a seasoned TIFF-goer who will also be seeing the film. He kindly whisks us inside the building using his shiny 'infinite Visa' card privileges. We enter the lounge area to join the rest of our crew and enjoy the complimentary Lindt chocolate tasting. There is an air of nervous excitement. Once the ushers open the doors, we hastily make our way inside the theatre to get good seats.

Act 1, scene 3

The artistic director of TIFF comes onto the stage to introduce the festival, as this is the opening night. He introduces the film's director Rian Johnson who speaks about his inspiration for the movie. Then, Joseph Gordon-Levitt comes onto the stage - the audience goes wild! Joseph is very animated as he shares his enthusiasm for the film. They both leave the stage, the lights go down, the movie begins. Looper turns out to be a very well executed and action-packed science fiction film. As with all time-travel endeavours, it helps not to think too much about the logistics (Bruce Willis' character even gives this advice to his younger self at one point in the movie). A great night and a perfect start to the festival!

Act 2: 'The Place Beyond the Pines'
Act 2, scene 1
I leave work at 5pm on the dot and walk a short distance to the Princess of Wales theatre on King street West, the heart of the film festival. As I make my way down the increasingly congested street, I see a blur of media types, TIFF volunteers dressed in their bright orange t-shirts, and movie fans with iPhones and cameras on stand-by. I walk past the long and winding rush-queue full of hopefuls waiting for the release of last-minute tickets. Finally, I spot our friends in the ticket-holder queue.

Act 2, scene 2
As we wait for the theatre doors to open, we hear the crowd of fans cheering loudly - a star has just arrived! A couple of us leave the queue to go investigate. In the middle of the street there is a huge fan and media frenzy surrounding... someone. We can't tell who. But then, for a brief moment, we spot a wave of Bradley Cooper's chestnut coloured locks through a sea of iPhones and cameras held aloft around him! We take a couple of quick photos and then it's time to get back in the line.

Act 2, scene 3
As we move inside the theatre, our strategic choice of entry door enables us to secure great seats close to the stage. I turn around to check out the theatre and notice that there are name cards on the chairs in the rows behind us. I look at the names on the seats directly behind us and in total shock I read: Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, Eva Mendes and Ben Mendelsohn! Oh. My. As the theatre continues to fill up, we talk excitedly about our incredible luck and take lots of photos.

Act 2, scene 4
The stars and director are introduced to us on stage and as the lights go down, they take their seats. We turn around and say hello to Bradley - Shane shakes hand and tells him he's looking forward to seeing the film. At first it's difficult to concentrate on the movie knowing so many A-list Hollywood celebrities are within popcorn-passing distance, but this doesn't last too long. The movie is captivating in its message and uses many interesting cinematic techniques - it's one of the best film I've seen in a while. 

Act 2, scene 5
At the end of the movie, the audience gives a standing ovation - the stars and director return to the stage for a Q&A session, in which the actors take every opportunity to gush at each others' performances. There are a couple of embarrassing questions from the audience, including one lady who tells Ryan that she found his character's tattoos in the movie very sexy and asks him which ones (if any) he would keep. Finally, the stars exit the stage to more applause and yet another standing ovation.

Act 2, scene 6
Our group leaves the theatre, still high on adrenaline. Over dinner and wine we eagerly discuss the film and our excitement at being so close to fame. One poor girl that hadn't been at the premiere joins us - we take pity on her and stop discussing our incredible night... for approximately 3 seconds.
Spot Bradley Cooper!

Act 3: 'Cloud Atlas'
Act 3, scene 1
After the previous night's excitement, we allow ourselves a sleep-in, and in the late afternoon we join the queue outside the Princess of Wales theatre one last time. King street west is even busier than the day before and the ticket lines are very long - the rush-queue goes right around the block! There is a relaxed and happy atmosphere and we enjoy chatting to others in the line.

Act 3, scene 2
We manage to get great seats for the third night in a row, but this time there are no name on the seats behind us, just a generic 'reserved'. We spot Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the back of the theatre, he looks a lot more relaxed attending someone else's premiere. The directors and filmstars are introduced on stage - it's an incredible line up including Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant, Hugo Weaving and Susan Sarandon. It's a truly amazing experience to be in the same room as these people. They receive enthusiastic applause from the audience and take their seats at the back of the cinema.

Act 3, scene 3
Cloud Atlas is quite a complex movie, I can't help but wonder if it's easier to understand if you've read the book? The special effects in the futuristic scenes were mind-blowing, but there were other elements to the movie that I didn't care much for.

Act 3, scene 4
After the movie ends, we give a standing ovation and get a final glimpse of the stars as they exit the theatre. We enjoy a quiet dinner with friends and try to work out what the film meant. We briefly spot Anna Kendrick on the red carpet and hear someone mention that Jake Gyllenhaal has also arrived, but it is virtually impossible to make them out amidst all the fans wildly snapping their cameras. By this stage we are both feeling a little TIFF'd out, so we decide to head home to rest. Can't wait to do it all again next year!

End scene, fade to black, roll credits.

P.S. You may have noticed that the frequency of posts has dropped off a little bit lately. I've recently started work and as it turns out, a 9-5 can really cut into your day! Never fear, it is still my intention to keep you regularly updated on all things Toronto.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! So incredibly jealous and can't wait to see you guys now that you're tinged with Hollywood :p
