Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fa La La La Latte...

Christmas-themed coffee is everywhere! So, like the selfless person I am, I took it upon myself to sample some of these beverages over the past few weeks and share my thoughts with you. I know what you're thinking, how can I be so giving? Well, 'tis the season, that's all I can say.

P.S. It's ok Mum, I'm eating my vegetables too!

Caramel brûlée latte (Starbucks)
While I love the idea of my favourite dessert in a beverage format, this latte had an intensely sugary caramel flavour which was a bit too much for me.

Gingerbread latte (Starbucks)
By far my favourite. A satisfying coffee hit with a delicious cinnamon and nutmeg finish. Very festive, I think I'll require a few more of these throughout December.

Peppermint mocha (Starbucks)
This was definitely the prettiest drink, but I found the taste incredibly chocolately and sickly sweet. I don't think I could do this again.

Eggnog latte (Timothy's World Coffee)
This latte had a smooth slightly custardy flavour which was quite nice, but the incongruousness of drinking eggnog at 10am on a weekday does play on your mind a bit.

Red Velvet latte (T
imothy's World Coffee)
A Red Velvet cake is essentially a rich chocolate cake with lots of red food colouring, so I was curious as to how this would translate to a latte flavour. It was pink and sweet, but that was about the extent of the novelty. A colourblind person would think it was a regular latte.

Toasted Marshmallow latte (
Second Cup)
This was a creatively titled vanilla latte. It did not evoke images of campfire sing-a-longs as I was hoping.

Candy Cane Latte 
(Second Cup)
A pleasantly subtle peppermint-flavoured latte. Very drinkable. Could be improved with the addition of an actual candy cane for stirring. I will lodge this suggestion with Second Cup management immediately.

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