Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Happy Australia Day

Despite the snowfall, sub-zero temperatures and lack of a public holiday last weekend, we still managed to celebrate Australia Day on the 26th. Paradoxically, I think it was the most True Blue, Ridgy-Didge, Dinky-Di Australia Day I've ever had!

We invited a bunch of friends over to our apartment for a traditional Aussie lunch that consisted of cheesymite scrolls, sausage rolls, meat pies, vegemite sandwiches, salads, fresh fruit, lamingtons, vanilla slice, tim tams, tiny teddies and pavlova. It worked on a couple of different levels - the Aussies in the group were delighted to taste their beloved national delicacies once again, and the Canadians were eager to try these strange and wondrous creations for the first time (some were even brave enough to sample vegemite)!

Our lunch was set to a playlist of famous Ocker tunes such as 'Land Down Under', 'This is Australia', 'You're the Voice', 'Great Southern Land' and 'Working Class Man'. We couldn't have been more Aussie if we tried.

I also took some lamingtons to work on Friday. They were greatly appreciated by my colleagues, but the name was somewhat lost in translation due to my accent ("lemingtons"). Everyone kept asking me if they were lemon flavoured. Never mind.

Happy Australia Day everyone!

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