Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Trick Or Treat!

Happy Halloween!

Ah yes, the time-honoured North-American tradition of buying excessive amounts of fun-sized candy bars, then dressing the kids up in elaborate costumes to go out trick or treating so that they can bring home even more candy from the neighbours. What fun!

Halloween celebrations this year included:

  • Carving a pumpkin for our apartment building's Jack o' Lantern competition (second prize, thank you very much!)
  • Watching some creeeeepy zombies participating in the annual Toronto Zombie Walk. Sadly it rained on their parade, which made for some very soggy undead towards the afternoon.
  • Going on a haunted walking tour of Toronto. It was interesting to learn a bit more about the history of the area, but all the stories ended in much the same way, e.g. "some say that to this day, you can still hear her footsteps on the staircase.... (long dramatic pause)".
  • Attending the Church and Wellesley Halloween street party. This is the adult version of Halloween - the costumes are far more outlandish, and trick or treating is replaced by bar-hopping. We saw some truly incredible costumes including my all time favourite, a larger than life cardboard cut-out of Toronto's infamous mayor Rob Ford, complete with human crack pipe and media frenzy. Nothing could be scarier!

Guess who? BOO!

What a night-mayor!

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