Friday, April 4, 2014

April Showers Bring May Flowers

That's an actual saying apparently, I'm not making this up. I think I prefer T.S. Elliot's bleaker reflection that "April is the cruellest month".

Spring officially started over two weeks ago, yet today it's been raining non-stop with a high of 8 (feels like 4) and a low of -4 degrees. This seems like such a let down after surviving the bitterly cold winter. For some reason I feel the need to tell everyone I come across that "this isn't Spring where I come from!".

I so desperately want it to be warm again! I want to see colourful flowers and fresh grass and leafy green trees! I eagerly await the day that I can leave the apartment wearing just a t-shirt and jeans! Or a lovely dress. A DRESS! Imagine!

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