Saturday, November 3, 2012


Over the past week we've been getting into the Halloween spirit with our three Aussie visitors Jess, Andreas and Logan. Australia doesn't celebrate Halloween, so I was very excited to experience it for the first time here in Canada.

Shane and I went to a Halloween party where we dressed as silent film actors - I'm so proud of my grey-scale make-up skills, it was a very eerie and effective look. I think we out-costumed a lot of the Canadians at the party, but as I explained to them, we only get two shots at this holiday while we're here, so we need to make the most of it!

Our condo held a pumpkin carving competition which provided the perfect opportunity to create jack-o-lanterns for the first time. Jess and I had a lot of fun with this as you can see below. I think they make a very cute pair.

On Halloween night we all went trick-or-treating with a lovely Canadian family. Their three kids kindly showed us the ropes and in no time Jess and Andreas (dressed as bananas) and their little monkey Logan had collected a decent bag of loot. Some of the house decorations were incredible, people really go to town on them! It was great to get the authentic trick-or-treating experience (which included spreading out all the candy on the kitchen table afterwards). I loved seeing the kids' excitment and their costumes were adorable!

I really enjoyed Halloween. There's an abundance of chocolate around like Easter, with the creativity of a dress-up party, minus the stress of Christmas gift-giving and entertaining. I think I've found my new favourite holiday!

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