Sunday, January 20, 2013

It's Snow Time!

Ever since the temperatures began to drop I've been wishing and hoping and praying that it would snow. The gradual cool down from mid October made the prospect of the first snowfall very suspenseful. Picture the following scenario repeated week after week: On Monday, the TV weatherman says that Toronto can expect some snow on Friday. Claire goes to sleep with her fingers crossed every night and on Friday awakes to find... nothing. A tiny part of her heart breaks. Repeat.

Finally, one weekend in late November, we experienced our first flurry in Toronto. I braced the freezing cold air to dance outside on the balcony with a cheesy grin, catching snowflakes. A few weeks later, we went out for dinner and a movie. As we ate, I looked out the window enthralled as the snow gently fell and collected on the street outside. And yes, we were a little bit late for the movie due to a certain excited girl stopping and taking photos every 5 metres.

After several more uneventful flurries throughout December, we wondered if Toronto would even have a white Christmas this year. We didn't see any snow on Christmas day in New York, but there was a gentle flurry as we walked through Times Square on Boxing Day. We came home that night to a steady snowfall in Toronto, the heaviest we'd seen yet! The next morning we woke up to 15cm of pristine white loveliness! You can only imagine my child-like glee as I laced up my snowboots to walk to work. Turns out this is the biggest snowfall that Toronto has seen in two years, although people still gave me funny looks for taking pictures on the way to work and during my lunch break! I cared not. This lovely blanket of fresh snow provided the perfect opportunity for our first snowball fight and also inspired two snowmen! Alas, it has all melted away now. I hope Jack Frost visits us again soon.

Boxing Day night, Toronto
Our balcony
My walk to work

Park benches near work

Snowman #1

Snowman #2

1 comment:

  1. I love you Claire! Made me feel like I was right there with you :) xoxo Jess
