Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Five Things I Will, And Will Not Miss About Toronto

Now that we've been living here for over a year I can't help but reflect on all our experiences and wonder how I will feel this time next year, when we prepare to return home.

Five things I will miss about Toronto:
1. Playing in the snow
2. Living downtown within a 5 minute walk to work/shops/restaurants
3. Buying 3 medium-sized punnets of blueberries for $5.00
4. Having a waitperson take out a calculator to split a restaurant bill 5 ways
5. Daylight that lasts until 9:30pm in Summer

Five things I will not miss about Toronto:
1. Drinking awful coffee
2. Pronouncing my name with an American 'R' sound
3. Being so far away from family and friends
4. Living amongst an entire population suffering Seasonal Affective Disorder in February
5. Orange cheese

1 comment:

  1. The berries were the best! Which is why I think I ate a whole punnet our last day there hehe -Jess
