Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Darling Buds Of May

Spring seems to make a lot more sense in the northern hemisphere. The recent changes in the weather, temperature, flora and fauna provide a sharp contrast to the bitter winter of just a few months ago. The springtime themes of new life, renewal and awakening are so much more tangible as the trees regain their foliage, the colourful spring blooms appear and the air is filled with the sound of birds sweetly chirping. You can probably guess by now that I'm glad winter is finally over! I've been making the most of spring by spending time outside enjoying the sunshine and practising my photography skills.

Around this time of year, Toronto's High Park is packed with people enjoying the beautiful yet fleeting display of cherry tree blossoms. In 1959, Tokyo donated 2000 cherry trees to Toronto in gratitude for accepting the Japanese people that relocated here after WWII. I found it incredibly peaceful to stroll through the park, watching the delicate cherry blossom petals fall and drift away with each gentle breeze.

I visited Ottawa this week for the annual tulip festival. Continuing the theme of floral displays of appreciation, this festival began with a gift of 100,000 tulip bulbs from the Dutch royal family. The flowers were presented to Canada in gratitude for providing safe harbour to the Dutch Princess and her children during the German occupation of the Netherlands in WWII. The tulip festival continues to celebrate this friendship between nations with a display of over 300,000 tulips in more than 60 different varieties. A very beautiful way to say thank you!

Casa Loma gardens, Toronto

 Casa Loma gardens, Toronto

 High Park, Toronto

 High Park, Toronto

High Park, Toronto

 The Rideau Canal, Ottawa
(hard to believe we were ice skating along here in February!)

Tulip festival, Ottawa
Tulip festival, Ottawa

Tulip festival, Ottawa
 Tulip festival, Ottawa
 Tulip festival, Ottawa

 Tulip festival, Ottawa

 Tulip festival, Ottawa

 Tulip festival, Ottawa

1 comment:

  1. Casa Loma!!!

    I can't believe you we're ice skating along there either, that's crazy.

    Xoxo Jess
