Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cents And Sensibilty

Ok, so it's a quiet Wednesday night, there's nothing on TV and I've done the laundry. It's time to blog about Canadian currency. Here are my top 4 favourite monetary quirks:

Penny for your thoughts
Canada's coin denominations consist of $2 (toonie), $1 (loonie), 25c (quarter), 10c (dime), 5c (nickel) and 1c (penny). Fortunately, the Canadian government removed $1 and $2 notes from circulation when the loonie and toonie were introduced, but the 1c coin has only ceased production this year. Coming from Australia, where the 1c and 2c coins were abandoned 20 years ago, this seems a little backward. Allegedly, it costs 1.6 cents to make each 1c coin. Even from my vague recollections of 'Macroeconomics 200', I can tell that this is not a financially sound investment. I've even heard someone say that they just throw pennies in the garbage once they've accumulated too many. Eradicating the penny will actually save Canada $11 million dollars in production costs per year; but to complicate matters, it will cost over $38 million to remove the six billion pennies currently in circulation. This video provides a really interesting take on the equally problematic US penny:

Hidden HST = Heavy Handbag
Unlike Australia's Goods and Services Tax (GST), the 13% Harmonised Sales Tax (HST) in Ontario is not included in the advertised cost of a good or service. Unless you're purchasing a single item with a round number or you're particularly gifted at mental maths, it's impractical to pay for something using correct change. Inevitably you walk away from most cash transactions with a handful of coins. I estimate that this annoying shrapnel accounts for at least 50% of the weight of my purse at any given time. Coming from a country where the tax is included, this seems like such an unnecessary complexity. A commonly held belief is that consumer spending would decrease if the tax were included in the sale price, but I think this undermines consumer intelligence. Currently there's a Tim Horton's ad on TV promoting $1 coffee, where a series of glum pedestrians reach into their pockets where they unexpectedly discover a single loonie. They immediately stop and raise the shiny coin aloft as their faces light up with the possibility of obtaining a Tim Horton's coffee. Personally, I think the loonie itself is more appetising than a coffee from Tim's, but that's another matter altogether. The reality is, these individuals aren't going to get a drop of the dirty dishwater percolated coffee that they covet, unless they can hand over $1.13.

Just some of the small change we have collected over the past 6 months in Canada.

Void Cheques
Prior to moving to Canada, I could count the number cheques that I have written in my entire life on one hand. So it seems antiquated to me that they are so prevalent in Canada. For example, to pay the rent for our condo we had to hand our landlords a series of post-dated cheques for the year ahead. It seems so impractical compared to an electronic transfer - what if they lost the paper cheques? or we wanted to close that particular bank account? what if we had to terminate the lease? The other request that comes up quite often is for a void cheque (literally a paper cheque that you have cancelled by writing 'void' across it). For example, an employer will usually ask you for a void cheque when you start work with them, so that they can verify they have your correct bank details.

Revolutionary Polymer Notes
Canada has only very recently adopted polymer bank notes. Prior to this, they were paper based like the US. I've read some interesting news articles online that criticize the new notes - largely the concerns are based on whether the material will be able to survive a cycle through the washing machine, being left in the car on a hot day, or if they will be accepted by vending machines.While there may have been a couple of minor teething problems in the initial transition, the change to polymer is certainly worthwhile in terms of increased security and durability of the notes. Here is a somewhat condescending video that describes how to handle the new bank notes: Perhaps it only comes across as condescending to Australians who developed the polymer note and have been using it since 1988.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Ice Capades

As the temperatures continue to drop below zero, more and more ice rinks have been opening up around the city. The time has come to face my fears and learn how to skate!

I've made three forays into the world of recreational ice skating over the past few weeks and have even purchased my very own pair of pristine white figure skates from Canadian Tire. I feel that I'm starting to look slightly less like a newborn baby giraffe, but there's definitely room for improvement. With a little more practice I'm confident that come February, I'll be effortlessly skating along the Rideau canal at the Winterlude festival in Ottawa. Maybe I'll even throw in some triple axel jumps for fun!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fa La La La Latte...

Christmas-themed coffee is everywhere! So, like the selfless person I am, I took it upon myself to sample some of these beverages over the past few weeks and share my thoughts with you. I know what you're thinking, how can I be so giving? Well, 'tis the season, that's all I can say.

P.S. It's ok Mum, I'm eating my vegetables too!

Caramel brûlée latte (Starbucks)
While I love the idea of my favourite dessert in a beverage format, this latte had an intensely sugary caramel flavour which was a bit too much for me.

Gingerbread latte (Starbucks)
By far my favourite. A satisfying coffee hit with a delicious cinnamon and nutmeg finish. Very festive, I think I'll require a few more of these throughout December.

Peppermint mocha (Starbucks)
This was definitely the prettiest drink, but I found the taste incredibly chocolately and sickly sweet. I don't think I could do this again.

Eggnog latte (Timothy's World Coffee)
This latte had a smooth slightly custardy flavour which was quite nice, but the incongruousness of drinking eggnog at 10am on a weekday does play on your mind a bit.

Red Velvet latte (T
imothy's World Coffee)
A Red Velvet cake is essentially a rich chocolate cake with lots of red food colouring, so I was curious as to how this would translate to a latte flavour. It was pink and sweet, but that was about the extent of the novelty. A colourblind person would think it was a regular latte.

Toasted Marshmallow latte (
Second Cup)
This was a creatively titled vanilla latte. It did not evoke images of campfire sing-a-longs as I was hoping.

Candy Cane Latte 
(Second Cup)
A pleasantly subtle peppermint-flavoured latte. Very drinkable. Could be improved with the addition of an actual candy cane for stirring. I will lodge this suggestion with Second Cup management immediately.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Merry (Almost) Christmas

Christmas definitely starts earlier in Canada! As soon as Halloween was over, Christmas decorations appeared overnight in office buildings and shops, Christmas carols starting filling the airwaves and gingerbread lattes were suddenly available everywhere.

A couple of weeks ago we went to the winter agricultural fair. It was a nice day out with lots of farm animals, local produce, horses, giant pumpkins and some amazing butter sculptures. We felt the need to sample a 'pulled pork parfait' made with mashed potato - it tasted much better than it looks, I promise!

On Saturday night we watched the Cavalcade of Lights, a Christmas concert and fireworks display at City Hall. The bands played carols which was nice, if a little premature. One singer put it best when she wished the crowd a "Merry almost Christmas!" The Santa Claus parade on Sunday was good fun and drew a massive crowd eager to see Jolly old St Nick himself.

It's starting to get colder now, but there hasn't been any snow in Downtown Toronto yet. I'm really looking forward to the first flurry but I have to be careful when I say this, as the locals tend to groans and roll their eyes at me. The novelty has definitely worn off for some!

 Christmas display in a department store window

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Over the past week we've been getting into the Halloween spirit with our three Aussie visitors Jess, Andreas and Logan. Australia doesn't celebrate Halloween, so I was very excited to experience it for the first time here in Canada.

Shane and I went to a Halloween party where we dressed as silent film actors - I'm so proud of my grey-scale make-up skills, it was a very eerie and effective look. I think we out-costumed a lot of the Canadians at the party, but as I explained to them, we only get two shots at this holiday while we're here, so we need to make the most of it!

Our condo held a pumpkin carving competition which provided the perfect opportunity to create jack-o-lanterns for the first time. Jess and I had a lot of fun with this as you can see below. I think they make a very cute pair.

On Halloween night we all went trick-or-treating with a lovely Canadian family. Their three kids kindly showed us the ropes and in no time Jess and Andreas (dressed as bananas) and their little monkey Logan had collected a decent bag of loot. Some of the house decorations were incredible, people really go to town on them! It was great to get the authentic trick-or-treating experience (which included spreading out all the candy on the kitchen table afterwards). I loved seeing the kids' excitment and their costumes were adorable!

I really enjoyed Halloween. There's an abundance of chocolate around like Easter, with the creativity of a dress-up party, minus the stress of Christmas gift-giving and entertaining. I think I've found my new favourite holiday!

Friday, October 26, 2012


Last weekend we went to our first hockey* game and saw the Toronto Marlies lose to the Grand Rapids Griffins in an overtime sudden-death shoot out.

While it was a bit disappointing to see another Toronto team lose, I enjoyed the game much more than I expected, it was very fast-paced and exciting. It was fun to watch the players all sprint towards the puck and then crash into the perspex barrier to stop and change direction – just as well they have all of that padding! They make it look so easy, but it must be exhausting. I guess that’s why the players change over so often.

We saw a couple of good fights too, which I suspect is the real reason for the sport’s popularity. While the stereotypical Canadian is very polite and friendly, you’d better watch out when the gloves and helmets come off! I even saw two 5 year old twin girls with blond plaits dressed in pink hockey jerseys standing right up against the barrier shouting “fight! fight! fight!”.

It was also entertaining to watch the Marlies’ mascot 'Duke' the dog, the ice-resurfacing truck that smooths out the arena between periods, and the girls that skate around the outside of the rink with shovels to collect the build-up of ice.

*you should only refer to the sport as ‘ice hockey’ if you want to stand out as a foreigner. 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Canadian Vocab Lesson - Part 1

Over the past four months, I've discovered a number of interesting linguistic differences between Australia and Canada. These differences can often result in funny lost-in-translation moments, but they also provide great opportunities to learn more about the country. Here are a few of my favourite examples:


Australian translation
Main meal
Tim Horton’s (Canadian coffee chain)
Double double
Percolated drip coffee with two milks and two sugars (typically from Tim Horton’s)
Homo Milk
Full cream (homogenised) milk
Donut balls sold at Tim Horton’s
To go
Take away
$1 coin (the coin features a loon, which is a common bird in Canada).
$2 coin (worth two loonies)
Kraft dinner
Macaroni & Cheese
Rice Krispies
Rice bubbles
Rocket (lettuce leaf)
Soft drink
Someone from Newfoundland
T dot
Slang for Toronto (T.O. shortened to just T.)
Someone who relocates to a warmer place each winter (e.g. Florida)
Bogan / Redneck
Basement Apartment
A self-contained basement of a property that is rented out to tenants separately.
Void cheque
A blank cheque marked as void, which you use to give your bank details to a person or company.
Pencil crayon
Coloured pencil
Toque (to rhyme with luke)
Beanie (winter hat)
Flip flops


I've also noticed a few sayings that are quite common here:

Super - everything can be described as super - it seems to take the place of 'very' or 'really' (e.g. super friendly", "super embarrassing", "super cold").

Right? - used at the end of a sentence to gain agreement/acceptance (e.g. "Monday mornings are the worst though, right?").

Anyways - tends to be used when changing topics or wrapping up conversation (e.g. "The subway was so busy this morning, I could hardly move! Anyways...").

'Feels like' - this is Canadian weather terminology that refers to the combination of the actual temperature plus humidity (in summer) or windchill (in winter). (e.g. tomorrow morning the weather in Toronto is expected to be 11 degrees Celsius, with a 'feels like' temperature of 9 degrees).

Let's practise!

Scene: Purchasing a coffee at Tim Horton's (Timmy's)

Customer: Can I get a double double with homo milk and a six timbits?

Oh sure, is that for here or to go?

To go please! I’m super busy this morning, I have to pay my hydro, put an offer in on a basement apartment and buy a new toque – it’s getting cold eh?

Yeah, this week has been pretty cold, right? This morning it's 7 degrees, feels like 1! Anyways, here's your double double and timbits. That'll be $4.00.

*rummages through bag* I know I had another twoonie in here somewhere! Ah, there we go. One other thing - could you tell me where the washroom is please?


I highly recommend watching this funny clip:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Cottage Country

The past two weekends have been very Canadian indeed for us! We packed up our warmest clothes, left the condo and headed out to 'cottage country' in Muskoka, which is where Torontonians go to get away from the big city.

On the first weekend, we were lucky enough to stay at a friend's cottage in Parry Sound, which is a beautiful area about 2.5 hours north-west of Toronto. It was a bit rainy the first day, so we lazed about indoors eating, reading and keeping warm by the log fire. In the afternoon it cleared up and we went for a walk in Killbear Provincial Park (sounds much scarier than it is). No bears were sighted, but we did see many beautiful fall colours, and a woodpecker! Back at the cottage, we enjoyed a sunset canoe paddle around the lake - it was incredibly still and peaceful, I can understand now why cottage life is so popular. The next day was sunny, so we did some more eating and relaxing outside on the deck and managed to make friends with a couple of cute chipmunks with a penchant for grapes. We had such a great time, I hope we can make it back again in winter.

Last Monday was Thanksgiving Day in Canada and we were very thankful for the long weekend that provided us with an opportunity to do some more exploring! We stayed in Hunstville with two Aussie friends, about 2.5 hours north-east of the city. On Saturday we browsed through the quaint shops in the main street and walked along a short trail in the woods to a lookout with a stunning view. The fall colours were so spectacular, it was difficult not to take a good photo! We built some mini Inukshuks (stone statues resembling humans which were traditionally used as landmarks by the Inuit people) and saw some Loons (a bird featured on the Canadian $1 coin, or 'loonie'). That night we had pumpkin pie for dessert, which was much better than I was expecting - slightly sweet with a hint of cinnamon. We took advantage of the sunny weather on Sunday to drive to Algonquin Provincial Park. The fall colours were incredibly stunning, I'm so glad we managed to get there at just the right time. We did a few trail walks and took lots of photos of the scenery. I felt so outdoorsy and Canadian - to top it off I even bought a toque (knitted beanie with ear flaps) at the visitor's centre!

It was wonderful to get out of the city grid, to look out across the colourful horizon and to see the stars at night. I have a new appreciation for 'fall' now, I think I finally understand why everyone makes such a big deal about it.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Culture Shock

One of the biggest reasons for making the move to Canada was to experience adjusting to a different country. I love travelling but I've always wondered what it would be like to go beyond being a tourist and to actually assimilate into the local culture.

Now that we've been living in Toronto for 3 months, I've been reflecting on my experiences so far and thinking about how I've dealt with the change. I remember learning about culture shock at uni, and while it didn't mean too much to me at the time, I find it quite fascinating now that I can actually relate to some of the stages. It's also very reassuring to know that my reactions are normal!

According to the theory, there are four distinct stages of cultural integration: Honeymoon, Culture shock, Adjustment and Mastery. The time spent in each stage is dependent on a number of factors such as the similarity of the home and host culture, how realistic your expectations of the new culture were, the level of social support available and your personal resilience in adapting to change. The transition looks a little something like this:

This phase is just like being on holiday. It's fun to see all the different sights, hear a different accent, learn new terminologies, try different foods and buy different products. Everything seems new and exciting and even when things are confusing, they can be passed off as charming quirks that will later turn into funny anecdotes. When we first arrived, I found myself taking pictures of everything, because we were tourists exploring our new home. I carried my camera and passport everywhere for the first month as well as 'just-in-case' items that I don't normally have in my handbag (e.g. panadol and hand sanitiser). When this changed and I started travelling lighter, I realised I was more trusting of my environment and was becoming less of a tourist.

Culture shock
I've certainly experienced a degree of culture shock here. This stage is typified by feelings of stress and being overwhelmed by change. The novelty of the new environment starts to fade a little as you face daily challenges that test your patience. You're forced to confront reality as you go through the motions of setting up a new life: finding a place to live, getting a bank account, searching for a job, learning your way around the city and understanding the subway system.

The framework and rules that govern your day-to-day life have changed, so you start to feel like you might be tripped up at any moment. An example of this is that I keep forgetting to stay to the right when walking in crowds or on escalators, so I end up walking into people. It's such a small and trivial thing, but it's difficult to change because it's so ingrained in my subconscious mind to stick to the left. One morning I noticed that my phone battery was low, so without thinking I took my (Australian) phone charger to work and then felt very stupid when I couldn't plug it into a Canadian power socket.

The differences that you found amusing in the honeymoon phase start to become irritating and you question why they even exist. For example, cheques are still commonly used for banking in Canada, so we had to provide post-dated rental cheques to our landlord for the year ahead. This seems antiquated to us, as cheques are very rarely used in Australia. Also, Canada still has the 1 cent coin in place, so every time you receive change from a purchase, you end up with a handful of useless pennies. Coming from Australia, having a coin that is worth less than its own cost of production seems rather backwards!

Having to learn the most basic things again for the first time can leave you feeling frustrated, angry and sometimes embarrassed. For example, learning how to tip was a big change for us, so when I incorrectly entered a tip of 12 cents instead of 12 dollars into the eftpos reader at the hairdresser (yes, you have to tip when you get a haircut), and had to cancel and start the transaction again to the annoyance of the cashier, I felt like a bit of an idiot! Hell, eftpos isn't even called eftpos, it's called interac. And ATMs are often called ABMs (B for banking). It's this constant re-learning that is exhausting, as it feels like you can't take anything for granted. 

The information overload causes you to start over-thinking things and second-guessing yourself as you search for hidden meanings and different interpretations in everything. At home, this processing is unconscious and automatic, so all the extra brain power required to deal with culture shock can be quite tiring. The lack of control can affect your self-confidence and cause you to assume that things will be more difficult than they actually are. 

As if this weren't enough, you have to develop new ways of coping with the stress, as your tried-and-tested coping mechanisms (e.g. talking to friends and family, taking a long drive, having a decent cup of coffee) often aren't available.  

Another interesting part of the culture shock stage is that you (often subconsciously) start to develop generalisations and stereotypes of locals. I guess this is just the human way of understanding a new culture and processing a lot of new information. For example, I found myself saying "Canadians are all so friendly and polite!" when I first arrived, because this described nearly everyone we encountered. They also all happened to be part of the hospitality, service or retail industries, so at least part of their pleasant demeanour was due to their job descriptions.

When I've felt pangs of homesickness, I've found myself clinging to familiar things - even to the point of downloading 'Land Down Under' by Men at Work, which is a song that I normally hate. Sometimes I think about how easy it would be to go back home to my comfort zone, but amidst the small irritations, I'm really glad that we made the move and I know there's still so much more to explore here before I'm ready to return.

Adjustment / recovery
Since finding work and developing a daily routine, I've felt much more at ease with small changes and new discoveries, as they seem easier to deal with in the grand scheme of things. The familiar elements in each day have helped to make me feel settled in to our new home. In general, things have started to make a bit more sense and the longer we're here, the more known quantities there are to rely on.

I wasn't really expecting to learn so much about myself this early on, but by being in a new culture, you quickly start to see yourself fall into the same patterns. You realise that while everything else around you is new and different, you're essentially the same person, with the same personality, strengths, weaknesses and ways of thinking that you had at home. It has a way of creating self-awareness of the things you usually attribute to your environment, or not think about at all.

While I'm still going through the motions of culture shock, I've begun to adjust in a number of ways too. I've learnt to relax a little and accept that I'm a newbie and am bound to get a few things wrong to begin with. I'm being more positive when I do encounter something new and I try to enjoy the experience rather than anticipate the worst. Now that I've met some locals at work, I'm enjoying sharing my culture with them and learning about Canadian culture on a deeper level. I'm trying not to define myself by the things that I used to at home (such as my career), as this is less realistic here. I feel more confident within myself now that I can bounce back from judgements, rejections or misunderstandings caused by being a foreigner.

I've realised that I need to be willing to adapt and to be open minded about new things. After all, there's really no right or wrong way of thinking or doing anything, just that which we are familiar with, and that which is new to us. We all have a tendency to view our own culture or way of doing things as better than anyone else's. By being aware of this, I can better understand my own reactions and those of other people. I try to acknowledge the positives of new things, or if I don't understand a situation, I try and give it the benefit of the doubt rather than evaluating things based on my own ideas, values and judgements.

I know there will be more challenges and more culture shock to come (one of the biggest changes for us will be the cold Canadian winter!), but I hope that I'll be able to deal with this positively and constructively.

Adaptation / mastery
They say this stage occurs when stability is reached and you have effectively assimilated with the host culture, while maintaining your own cultural identity. It will be interesting to reflect upon my experiences in another year and see how much things have changed. I expect I'll develop more resilience as a result of overcoming challenges and building new networks here.

Overall, I feel that we haven't had too much change to adjust to. For one thing, we arrived in the Summer which has made it easy to get outside and explore the city by foot. Plus the sunshine has a way of lifting your mood even if you're having a bad day. We've found people to be quite welcoming and accommodating to foreigners - perhaps this is due to the multicultural nature of the city. I've definitely noticed that people are a lot more polite and patient with us here than I experienced on my US trip last year. I guess it also helps being part of the Commonwealth, as things are not quite so American (e.g. temperatures are usually recorded in Celcius). So it feels like there are slightly fewer opportunities for misunderstandings (not to say that we haven't had our fair share of 'lost in translation' moments - trust me, we have!). Moving here with Shane has also made the transition much easier for me - I honestly can't imagine how I would have coped on my own. Lastly, knowing that this is a temporary adventure helps a lot, as I feel I need to make the most of the time we have here. I think it would feel very different if I knew that this was a permanent move.

P.S. This wasn't meant to be a psychology essay, but as I'm working into the wee hours of the morning, it does bring back many memories of pulling an all-nighter before the morning of an assignment deadline. Thank you for reading, and apologies for the lack of in-text citations.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


The city is currently under the grips of an overwhelming force - one that brings entire streets to a standstill, completely consumes the local media and causes citizens do a double-take at every black luxury vehicle and well-dressed pedestrian that passes by.

Welcome to the Toronto International Film Festival!

TIFF is an 11-day long event that showcases the newest additions to the silver screen. We were lucky enough to catch three red-carpet, world premiere screenings last week, which has definitely been one of the highlights of our time here so far. I've decided to recreate the drama and excitement of our experiences by sharing them with you in true cinematic style:

Act 1: 'Looper''
Act 1, scene 1
We arrive at the Elgin theatre on Thursday night to find a red carpet laid out on the side walk. 'For us?' I think, 'that's so sweet!'. Across the street, a crowd of eager fans stand patiently waiting behind a velvet rope to spot some celebs. We join the end of the ticket holder queue, when suddenly....

Act 1, scene 2

Shane calls his friend, a seasoned TIFF-goer who will also be seeing the film. He kindly whisks us inside the building using his shiny 'infinite Visa' card privileges. We enter the lounge area to join the rest of our crew and enjoy the complimentary Lindt chocolate tasting. There is an air of nervous excitement. Once the ushers open the doors, we hastily make our way inside the theatre to get good seats.

Act 1, scene 3

The artistic director of TIFF comes onto the stage to introduce the festival, as this is the opening night. He introduces the film's director Rian Johnson who speaks about his inspiration for the movie. Then, Joseph Gordon-Levitt comes onto the stage - the audience goes wild! Joseph is very animated as he shares his enthusiasm for the film. They both leave the stage, the lights go down, the movie begins. Looper turns out to be a very well executed and action-packed science fiction film. As with all time-travel endeavours, it helps not to think too much about the logistics (Bruce Willis' character even gives this advice to his younger self at one point in the movie). A great night and a perfect start to the festival!

Act 2: 'The Place Beyond the Pines'
Act 2, scene 1
I leave work at 5pm on the dot and walk a short distance to the Princess of Wales theatre on King street West, the heart of the film festival. As I make my way down the increasingly congested street, I see a blur of media types, TIFF volunteers dressed in their bright orange t-shirts, and movie fans with iPhones and cameras on stand-by. I walk past the long and winding rush-queue full of hopefuls waiting for the release of last-minute tickets. Finally, I spot our friends in the ticket-holder queue.

Act 2, scene 2
As we wait for the theatre doors to open, we hear the crowd of fans cheering loudly - a star has just arrived! A couple of us leave the queue to go investigate. In the middle of the street there is a huge fan and media frenzy surrounding... someone. We can't tell who. But then, for a brief moment, we spot a wave of Bradley Cooper's chestnut coloured locks through a sea of iPhones and cameras held aloft around him! We take a couple of quick photos and then it's time to get back in the line.

Act 2, scene 3
As we move inside the theatre, our strategic choice of entry door enables us to secure great seats close to the stage. I turn around to check out the theatre and notice that there are name cards on the chairs in the rows behind us. I look at the names on the seats directly behind us and in total shock I read: Bradley Cooper, Ryan Gosling, Eva Mendes and Ben Mendelsohn! Oh. My. As the theatre continues to fill up, we talk excitedly about our incredible luck and take lots of photos.

Act 2, scene 4
The stars and director are introduced to us on stage and as the lights go down, they take their seats. We turn around and say hello to Bradley - Shane shakes hand and tells him he's looking forward to seeing the film. At first it's difficult to concentrate on the movie knowing so many A-list Hollywood celebrities are within popcorn-passing distance, but this doesn't last too long. The movie is captivating in its message and uses many interesting cinematic techniques - it's one of the best film I've seen in a while. 

Act 2, scene 5
At the end of the movie, the audience gives a standing ovation - the stars and director return to the stage for a Q&A session, in which the actors take every opportunity to gush at each others' performances. There are a couple of embarrassing questions from the audience, including one lady who tells Ryan that she found his character's tattoos in the movie very sexy and asks him which ones (if any) he would keep. Finally, the stars exit the stage to more applause and yet another standing ovation.

Act 2, scene 6
Our group leaves the theatre, still high on adrenaline. Over dinner and wine we eagerly discuss the film and our excitement at being so close to fame. One poor girl that hadn't been at the premiere joins us - we take pity on her and stop discussing our incredible night... for approximately 3 seconds.
Spot Bradley Cooper!

Act 3: 'Cloud Atlas'
Act 3, scene 1
After the previous night's excitement, we allow ourselves a sleep-in, and in the late afternoon we join the queue outside the Princess of Wales theatre one last time. King street west is even busier than the day before and the ticket lines are very long - the rush-queue goes right around the block! There is a relaxed and happy atmosphere and we enjoy chatting to others in the line.

Act 3, scene 2
We manage to get great seats for the third night in a row, but this time there are no name on the seats behind us, just a generic 'reserved'. We spot Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the back of the theatre, he looks a lot more relaxed attending someone else's premiere. The directors and filmstars are introduced on stage - it's an incredible line up including Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant, Hugo Weaving and Susan Sarandon. It's a truly amazing experience to be in the same room as these people. They receive enthusiastic applause from the audience and take their seats at the back of the cinema.

Act 3, scene 3
Cloud Atlas is quite a complex movie, I can't help but wonder if it's easier to understand if you've read the book? The special effects in the futuristic scenes were mind-blowing, but there were other elements to the movie that I didn't care much for.

Act 3, scene 4
After the movie ends, we give a standing ovation and get a final glimpse of the stars as they exit the theatre. We enjoy a quiet dinner with friends and try to work out what the film meant. We briefly spot Anna Kendrick on the red carpet and hear someone mention that Jake Gyllenhaal has also arrived, but it is virtually impossible to make them out amidst all the fans wildly snapping their cameras. By this stage we are both feeling a little TIFF'd out, so we decide to head home to rest. Can't wait to do it all again next year!

End scene, fade to black, roll credits.

P.S. You may have noticed that the frequency of posts has dropped off a little bit lately. I've recently started work and as it turns out, a 9-5 can really cut into your day! Never fear, it is still my intention to keep you regularly updated on all things Toronto.